Monday, March 20, 2017

The Elephant in the Room

Somehow, we find ourselves with a President that is totally nuts. Leaving aside issues of his lack of preparation for the job, serious corruption, political views in sharp contrast to the majority of Americans, despicable character, and moral bankruptcy, having a nutcase with his tiny little fingers on the nuclear trigger is frightening.

A very few Republicans have broken with the President on one issue or another, but no one has yet spoken what many must be thinking: This guy is totally unhinged.

Short of nuclear war the amount of damage this loony tunes President can do to our economy, global image, foreign policy, and democracy is beyond imagination. This is a one man existential threat to America.

I am a confessed liberal Democrat. However, I appreciate the contributions of a center right party to our democracy. It's not necessarily evil to be a Republican.

But, for the Republican's own good, and incidentally for the good of the nation,  they need to distance themselves from him, and it's time to consider that removing him from office is an imperative.

As a liberal, I have limited enthusiasm for Pence or Paul Ryan. In there own way they could perhaps move America even further right then Trump might. After all, from the liberal point of view the best thing that can be said about Trump is that he's totally incompetent. But, I suspect Pence and Ryan  are at least rational and I would sleep better with them in office. That way we could all live to fight another day.

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