Tuesday, December 20, 2011

How do you spell corruption?

How do you spell corruption? Campaign Finance.
Can anyone honestly believe that we don't have the best government Goldman Sachs can buy? Or more exactly Wall Street, pharma, big oil, and Military Industrial Complex collectively own Congress and the White House. We might as well put their billboards on the walls there.
We are becoming as corrupt as any nation on earth. The reason, politicians are bought and paid for through perfectly legal campaign finance donations. The Supreme Court enabled this outrage through their decision that corporations are the same as natural persons and that furthermore they have a right to purchase any and all politicians they care to through donations protected by their free speech rights. Am I the only person that thinks that's a stretch? Could the court possibly not have understood what they were creating?
Today so called Super PACs can raise and spend unlimited funds from wealthy donors, unions, and corporations.
Yesterday a Washington Post article pointed out that Romney's campaign had not spent one cent in Iowa, yet various PACs, and Super PACs unleashed a torrent of advertising supporting him. Is it remotely possible that these donors are not expecting payback, influence, access and favors not regularly granted to citizens?
To be fair, Mr. Romney is no more slimy than any other politician, and he's on record against PACs even though they intend to spend more than $3.1 Million in Iowa to support him.  We don't mean to single him out. Rest assured Mr. Obama and all the competing Republican candidates will have their own super PACs busily raising funds to buy their candidate's souls. That's life in a corrupt society.

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