Tuesday, December 20, 2011

On Centerline

In another life as an Air Force and Airline Pilot, I spent a lot of time on Centerline. It's where we wanted to be on the runway for takeoff or landing, and a comforting place to be during approach.

Today, I'd describe my social, political and economic views as on centerline. But, it's a lonely place to be. Isn't anybody in the center anymore? More interestingly, doesn't anybody represent the center anymore? The political right is just to the right of Attila the Hun, while the left has forgotten what they stand for. But, the two sides meet in the center just long enough to punch one another then retreat to their respective wings to await another round.

Truth is the first casualty. Can either side really believe what they are saying? A charitable explanation is that both sides are populated by just plain stupid people, but that explanation strains credibility. They can't be that stupid.

A blog may be the most egocentric exercise on the planet. Perhaps no one will be interested. But, if nothing else, I expect it will be therapeutic to unload from time to time. Short of urging revolution, this will be my protest against the established order. Come along for the ride if you care to.

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